Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2020
The fourth annual (and first remote) Lean Healthcare Research Symposium was held on October 14, 2020. The event included six presentations, listed below. We’ve just shared the event recording and slides.
Presentation slides
- 2020: What Problem Are We Trying to Solve? Kathryn Correia
- Lean Management and Hospital Performance: Adoption Versus Implementation Stephen M. Shortell, PhD, MBA, MPH
- Cornerstones of achieving measurable performance improvements with Lean implementation: a mixed-methods study Elina M. Reponen, MD, PhD
- The impact Covid has had on lean thinking in healthcare John Toussaint, MD
- The Contingent Evolution of Leadership in the Implementation of Daily (Lean) Management Systems Pierre-Luc Fournier, PhD
- Road to Better Work-Life Balance? Lean Redesigns and Time Working Among Primary Care Physicians Dorothy Hung, PhD, MA, MPH