5th Lean Medical Forum Presentation - Foshan, China
Presentation by Thomas Rundall titled Lean IT Management and Financial Performance in U.S. Hospitals for the 5th Lean Medical Forum in Foshan, Guangdong, China.
December 20-22, 2024
Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2024
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and participate in the 2024 Lean Healthcare Research Symposium!
Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2023
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and participate in the 2023 Lean Healthcare Research Symposium!
Breast Cancer Navigation: Lean Improvements to Timeliness of Care, Resource Use, and Care Coordination in an Ambulatory Setting
Dorothy Hung, PhD, MA, MPH; Paul Kim, MS; Martina Li, MPH; Qiwen Huang, MS; Cynthia Cantril, RN, MPH, OCN®, CBCN®; Natalia Colocci, MD, PhD; and Ellis Dillon, PhD
Presented at the AcademyHealth Research Meeting 2022 – Washington, DC
Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2022
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and participate in the 2022 Lean Healthcare Research Symposium!
Lean Performance Improvement and Facilitators of Outcomes in U.S. Public Hospital
Tyler Roey, Dorothy Hung, PhD, Thomas Rundall, PhD, Pierre-Luc Fournier, PhD, Athena Zhong, Stephen Shortell, PhD
Presented at the the 6th Annual Lean in Healthcare Research Symposium – Salt Lake City, Utah
2021 Korea Healthcare Congress Presentation
“The Impact of the Lean Management System on Hospital Performance and Response to Covid 19”
Stephen M. Shortell, PhD, MPH, MBA
Professor Emeritus of the Graduate School and Dean Emeritus at UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health
Co-founder of the Center for Lean Engagement and Research (CLEAR) School of Public Health, UC Berkeley
Stanford Lean Healthcare Academic Conference
Dorothy Y. Hung, PhD, MA, MPH
Director, Center for Lean Engagement and Research (CLEAR)
UC Berkeley School of Public Health
Co-authors: Thomas G. Rundall, PhD; Meghana Gadgil, MD, Mike Rizzo, MD, Negeen Khandel, BA, Stephen M. Shortell, PhD
Breast Cancer Navigation: Using Physician and Patient Surveys to ExploreNurse Navigator Program Experiences
Ellis Dillon, PhD; Paul Kim, MS; Martina Li, MPH; Qiwen Huang; Natalia Colocci, MD, PhD; Cynthia Cantril, RN, MPH, OCN, CBCN; and Dorothy Hung, PhD, MA, MPH
Breast cancer patient navigation has been shown to improve patient outcomes, often by overcoming barriers in access to care. Less is known about how patient navigation for breast cancer may impact physician workflows and satisfaction.
The Breast Cancer Navigation (BCN) program was designed using Lean principles. Nurse navigators served as the primary contact points for women after their breast biopsy to guide patients from biopsy to consult and surgery, if needed
Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2021
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and participate in the 2021 Lean Healthcare Research Symposium!
Lean Management: A New Approach to Managing Healthcare Organizations
The presentation of Thomas Rundall Ph.D. on lean history, principles, and usage in healthcare. “Lean involves the development of a culture that enables an overall management system to create value for customers by eliminating waste, empowering frontline workers, and solving problems through the daily application of the scientific method in creating standard work.”
Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2020
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and participate in the Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2020!
Lean Healthcare Research Symposium 2019
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and participate in the 2019 Lean Healthcare Research Symposium!
Lean Healthcare Academic Conference at Stanford
After an engaging and informative two days, we are pleased to share the PowerPoint: “Is Lean Making a Difference in Healthcare?” that was presented by CLEAR Co-founder, Stephen Shortell, at the Lean Healthcare Academic Conference on September 26th.
Lean Blog Podcast with Stephen Shortell
Listen to CLEAR co-founder Stephen Shortell on Mark Graban’s Lean Blog podcast, where he discussed lean in healthcare and the plans for research at CLEAR.
Implementation and Impact of Lean Redesigns in Primary Care
Presentation by Dorothy Hung at CLEAR's inaugural Lean Healthcare Symposium 2017 held in Palm Desert, CA.